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1100 / 18300 PKR (Domain Renewal)

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11 Saves

Accounting and Finance (A&F)

Management of financial resources and reporting for effective decision-making.

1 Saves

Advanced Computer Architecture (ACA)

Exploring cutting-edge concepts in advanced computer system design and optimization.

4 Saves

Advanced Database Concepts (ADC)

In-depth exploration of advanced topics in database management and optimization.

0 Saves

Advanced Operating System (AOS)

Exploring Cutting-Edge Concepts in Advanced Operating System Design and Functionality

1 Saves

Advanced Programming (AdP)

Complex software development techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving for experienced programmers.

0 Saves

Advanced Software Engineering (ASE)

Complex software development methodologies, tools, and best practices for experts.

1 Saves

Advanced Stats (AdS)

Advanced Stats: Complex quantitative methods for in-depth data analysis and interpretation.

99 Saves

Applied Physics (AP)

Practical application of physics principles in real-world technological advancements.

17 Saves

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine learning, algorithms, and data for intelligent computer systems and automation.

3 Saves

Big Data (BD)

Analysis of vast digital datasets for insights, trends, and decision-making.

1 Saves

Business Process Engineering (BPE)

Optimizing workflows for efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness in organizations

33 Saves


Hands-on exploration of computer hardware and low-level programming techniques.

90 Saves

Calculus (Cal)

Mathematical study of change and motion through derivatives and integrals.

0 Saves

Cloud Computing (ICC)

Digital data storage, processing, and access via remote servers.

5 Saves

Communication and Presentation Skills (CPS)

Effective verbal and visual communication techniques for impactful presentations.

3 Saves

Communication and Presentation Skills Lab(CPS Lab)

Enhancing communication, public speaking, and presentation skills through practical exercises.

1 Saves

Complier Construction (CC)

Compiler Construction: Building efficient language translation tools for software development.

1 Saves

Computer Architecture (CA)

Design and organization of computer systems and their components.

0 Saves

Computer Modelling Simulation (CMS)

Digital replication of real-world processes for analysis and problem-solving.

24 Saves

Computer Networks (CN)

Study of data communication and connectivity in digital information systems.

15 Saves

Computer Networks Lab (CN Lab)

Practical exploration of computer network concepts and protocols in a laboratory.

58 Saves

Computer Organization & Assembly Language (COAL)

Hardware fundamentals and low-level programming with assembly language

1 Saves

Computer Vision (CV)

Computer Vision: Machine perception, analysis, and understanding of visual data.

4 Saves

Critical Thinking (CT)

Analytical and reasoned approach to problem-solving and decision-making skills.

6 Saves

Data Science (DS)

Analyzing data to extract insights, inform decisions, and drive innovation.

64 Saves

Data Structures (DS)

Organizing and managing data for efficient storage and retrieval techniques.

34 Saves

Data Structures Lab (DS Lab)

Practical exploration of fundamental data structures through hands-on programming exercises.

2 Saves

Data Warehousing & Data Mining (DW)

Analyzing vast datasets to extract valuable insights for informed decisions.

0 Saves

Data Warehousing and Data Mining (DW)

Integration and analysis of data for informed decision-making and insights.

23 Saves

Database (DB)

Structured storage of digital information for efficient retrieval and management.

12 Saves

Database Lab (DB Lab)

Exploring databases, data management, and SQL in practical laboratory settings.

2 Saves

Deep Learning (DL)

Advanced machine learning technique using neural networks for complex tasks.

26 Saves

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Algo)

Efficient problem-solving through algorithm development, complexity analysis, and optimization techniques.

14 Saves

Differential Equations (DE)

Mathematical study of rates of change in diverse real-world phenomena.

5 Saves

Digital Image Processing (DIP)

Digital Image Processing: Enhancing, analyzing, and manipulating visual data digitally.

27 Saves

Digital Logic Design (DLD)

Foundations of electronic circuits and binary system for digital technology.

14 Saves

Digital Logic Designing Lab (DLD Lab)

Hands-on exploration of digital circuit design, analysis, and implementation techniques.

43 Saves

Discrete Structures (DS)

Mathematical foundations of computer science and problem-solving with discrete elements.

0 Saves

Ecommerce (EC)

Online buying and selling of goods and services via websites.

21 Saves

English Comprehension Lab (Eng Comp Lab)

Enhancing English comprehension skills through interactive learning and practice sessions

35 Saves

English Comprehension and Composition (Eng Comp)

Enhancing language skills through reading, analysis, and effective writing strategies.

0 Saves

Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)

Integration of technology for efficient business data management and operations.

1 Saves

Entrepreneurship (Entre)

Innovative pursuit of business opportunities, creating value and driving growth.

1 Saves

Environmental Sciences (ES)

Study of Earth's ecosystems, climate, and human impact on nature.

1 Saves

Evolutionary Computation (EC)

Algorithmic optimization inspired by natural selection and genetic algorithms.

1 Saves

Formal Methods (FM)

Mathematical techniques ensuring software/system correctness and reliability through rigorous analysis.

11 Saves

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

Study of how humans interact with computers and user interface design.

3 Saves

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Strategic personnel oversight for organizational success, talent development, and workforce optimization.

1 Saves

Information Retrieval (IR)

Efficient methods for finding and retrieving relevant data and documents.

9 Saves

Information Security (IS)

Protecting data and systems from unauthorized access and breaches.

3 Saves

International Relations (IR)

Global diplomacy, politics, and cooperation among nations for world order.

0 Saves

Internet of Things (IOT)

Interconnected devices transforming data, automation, and connectivity across industries and homes.

7 Saves

Intro to Data Science (Intro to DS)

Foundations of Data Analysis and Interpretation for Practical Decision-Making.

55 Saves

Introduction To ICT (IICT)

Foundations of Information and Communication Technology: An Introductory Overview.

41 Saves

Islamic Studies

Academic exploration of Islam's history, beliefs, culture, and societal impact.

42 Saves

Linear Algebra (LA)

Mathematical study of vectors, matrices, and their algebraic properties.

1 Saves

Management and Organizational Behavior (MOB)

Study of leadership, teamwork, and decision-making in organizational settings.

11 Saves

Marketing Management (MM)

Strategies for promoting products, services, and brands in competitive markets.

5 Saves

Mass Communication (MC)

Study of information dissemination through various media channels and platforms.

2 Saves

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Computer-based analysis of human language for communication and understanding.

0 Saves

Network Security (NS)

Protecting digital systems from threats through robust safeguarding techniques.

23 Saves

Numerical Computing (NC)

Mathematical techniques for efficient, accurate, and practical computational solutions.

2 Saves

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Lab (SDA Lab)

Practical application of Object-Oriented concepts in software system development.

40 Saves

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Programming paradigm using objects to model and organize code systems.

22 Saves

Object Oriented Programming Lab (OOP Lab)

Practical application of OOP concepts through hands-on programming exercises.

29 Saves

Operating System (OS)

Software managing hardware and enabling user applications on computers.

16 Saves

Operating System Lab (OS Lab)

Exploring OS fundamentals, practical implementation, and system administration techniques.

6 Saves

Operations Research (OR)

Mathematical optimization for efficient decision-making and problem-solving in complex systems.

23 Saves

Pakistan Studies (PS)

Interdisciplinary study of Pakistan's history, culture, society, and political development.

4 Saves

Parallel and Distributed Computing (PB)

Improving software reliability and performance through systematic quality assurance practices.

16 Saves

Parallel and Distributing Computing (PDC)

Efficient computing across multiple processors for faster data processing.

1 Saves

Principles of Leadership (PoL)

Fundamental principles guiding effective and ethical leadership strategies and practices.

24 Saves


Quantifying uncertainty and predicting outcomes through mathematical analysis and statistics.

8 Saves

Professional Issues in IT (PP)

Ethical dilemmas, security, and challenges in contemporary Information Technology careers.

74 Saves

Programming Fundamental Lab (PF Lab)

Introduction to coding basics and hands-on programming exercises for beginners.

118 Saves

Programming Fundamentals (PF)

Essential principles for beginners: Programming Fundamentals demystified and made accessible.

10 Saves


The study of mind, behavior, and mental processes in individuals.

2 Saves

Requirements Engineering (RE)

Requirements Engineering: Defining, analyzing, and documenting software project specifications effectively.

0 Saves

Social Network Analysis (SNA)

Analyzing connections in networks to study social relationships and structures.

2 Saves


Study of human society, behavior, and relationships to understand social dynamics.

22 Saves

Software Design and Analysis (SDA)

Methods for creating and evaluating effective software solutions systematically.

12 Saves

Software Engineering (SE)

Designing, developing, and maintaining efficient, reliable, and scalable software systems.

0 Saves

Software Engineering Technologies (SET)

Advanced tools and methods for modern software development practices.

3 Saves

Software Process Management and Metrics (SPMM)

Optimizing software development through effective processes and performance measurement techniques.

1 Saves

Software Quality Assurance & Management (SQA)

Ensuring software reliability, efficiency, and compliance through systematic management.

7 Saves

Software Requirements Engineering (SRE)

Capturing, analyzing, and documenting software needs for successful development projects

3 Saves

Software Testing (ST)

Quality assurance through systematic evaluation and validation of software functionality.

2 Saves

Software for Mobile Devices (SMD)

Mobile Device Software: Development, Applications, and User Experience Optimization.

1 Saves

Statistical Pattern Recognition & Learning (SPRL)

Machine learning techniques for recognizing patterns in complex data sets.

22 Saves

Technical & Business Writing (TBW)

Effective communication for professionals in technical and business contexts.

27 Saves

Theory of Automata (TA)

Formal study of abstract machines and computational problem-solving principles.

1 Saves

Theory of Programming Languages (TPA)

Study of formal languages, syntax, semantics, and language design principles.

0 Saves

Web Engineering (WE)

Designing, developing, and maintaining websites and web applications for efficiency.

4 Saves

Web Programming (WP)

Creating dynamic websites using coding languages for interactive user experiences.

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